The “President’s Guard” is a small group of the Regiment’s best Sharpshooters/Skirmishers, and provide the Commanding Officer or any other Event Commander with another tool and force multiplier in combat. The President’s Guard will be under the direct command of Regimental Command, and led by a Regimental Officer during Combat, Training, and Certification. This unit will consist of the best marksmen and skirmishers of the Infantry, and is open to any infantryman that has the “Master Rifleman” AND “Master Skirmisher” pins/tabs. Members of this unit will be required to re-qualify every 2 months, and Drill/Practice will be conducted every week. Members will be required to attend President’s Guard Drill/Practice 2 times per month at a minimum. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the member being removed from President’s Guard Active Service and placed in the “President’s Guard Veteran” role. President’s Guard certifications can only be done by a member of Regimental Staff. Company Commanders and Artillerymen are not eligible for President’s Guard Selection.
In order to be considered for the “President’s Guard Selection” course, a candidate must be a member in good standing with the Old Guard, with regular attendance and participation. They must not have had any disciplinary action taken against them during their time in the Old Guard. They must have completed BCT, and have qualified as an Expert with all weapons systems (Master Rifleman). They must also have qualified as an Expert Skirmisher with all weapons systems (Master Skirmisher). Upon meeting these prerequisites, the candidate may request to enter President’s Guard Selection and set up a time to conduct their Candidate Testing with a Regimental Staff Member.
83rd penn. vol. inf. - War of Rights