Tired of public matches without leadership?
With a strong Artillery group, you can change the outcome of any match.
After learning Infantry, as Artillery you get to use the Cannons and leave your mark in the game.
With extensive training, you and your team will be in charge of hitting the opposing team before anyone else.
4th US Battery B. is a strong group of individuals who practice as a group to advance to the next level.
The 4th US Battery B. works hard to be the best, and also clowns around from time to time...
4th US - Jan 1st 2022 Hookers Push
OG-[4thUS] Sgt. Katyusha
4thUS To The Rescue!!!
Don't F*** With Me!!!!!
Reivax Coming Home
NNoitra - Saving the IB from arty blast!!!
Olinard setting Round then Splat
When it Rains it Pours
He Scores!!!!
83rd penn. vol. inf. - War of Rights